¡YA LA HE VISTO! Y... ¡me ha encantado!
Aquí te dejo algunas de sus reflexiones:
"One day I decided to paddle alone between these two islands, and half way across I found myself too tired to continue. I stopped paddling and just sat there. [pause] I've never felt so insignificant in my whole life."
"Some times when you're most alone, you're not alone at all..."
"... in the midle of no way"
"you are right?"
"I don't really know what to call home anymore. If I had to pick a place I guess it'd be the ocean. It's where I feel the most comfortable and I can just be myself."
And his classic mobile phone message:"Hey this is Rob's phone. I don't know where I am right now. In fact no body does. Don't worry about it."
Ahora te recomiendo que la veas, disfrutarás con sus paisajes, el mar y sus inmesas olas. Escuchar, sentir, observar, pararte a pensar y mirar más allá. Y podrás oir muchas más reflexiones que, aunque me han cautivado más que las que aqui te dejé, he preferido no desvelarlas y que las descubras por ti mismo. Te confieso que a mi me consiguió robar alguna que otra lagrimilla...
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